So I'm back from my trip to the Big Apple. I got to visit with Nicky and Meredith. Most of you know Nicky and Meri is her sister and the person I went to Argentina with. She's great! Anyway New York was great. Got to eat at several different places. Had some delicious Indian food. I'm going to post a video of the place b/c it's truly unbelievable. I decided this trip was meant for eating out and just relaxin. NO shopping. Well you know me. I did end up hittin up Century 21 and Loehmanns(sp) where I kept myself in control and only bought Cosabella panties and bras. Their bras and panties are usually over priced but those two stores are discount stores that usually carry name brand stuff at a cheaper price. Most of the time however we spent eating and drinking. We ate a Peter Luger's in Brooklyn where I go to see the natives(more pics of my adventures later). Peter Luger's is an old steakhouse that's been around for over 100 years. It was delicious. Thank Brian for the ride over. Brian is Meri's boo. Anyway on Sunday, Nicky and I hit up the Museum of Natural History b/c I wanted one of those wax figures from a machine. I used to get them when I went on field trips to the Chicago Museum of Natural History. I was soooo disappointed to not get one. I ended up going to the Met for about a hour after that. Kind of regret not spending the whole day at the Met. What little I saw was fabulous. Anyway here's some pics of me, Nicky and New York. If I quite my job I'm moving to NYC and living with Nicky(for a little bit at least).
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Cell Phone Broken
In case you are trying to reach me my Cell 504-782-7099 is out of commission. Lucky for me I have a spare phone. Long story. Try me at 504-994-8416. Hopefully my phone will be back in service before I leave for NYC in the afternoon. You can also try me at work and email works too.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Little Vietnam meets Little Mexico
So Saturday night, Mark, Beth and I decided we wanted some authentic Vietnamese food so we headed out to a place in New Orleans East on Chef Mentuer(sp). Well this area has been predominately Vietnamese for awhile but things are changing. The area now has a Taqueria. Well the Vietnamese restaurant was closed so we drove around looking for a place to eat. Unfortunately, it looked really scary so we left but not before I saw the funniest thing. I saw a Latino guy with a JeriCurl. Too bad I didn't take a picture because it would have been a great blog picture. Just think Coming to America with Eddie Murphy. Classic! Anyway we ended up eating at a upscale Vietnamese restaurant which was good but a bit too pricey for me. Usually you can get away with spending 15.00 max at the hole in the wall places.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sunday afternoon in the French Quarter
So I had to do some birthday shopping for Nicky. Since she lives in NYC I decided not to buy anything from a mall or generic department store. She's way too cool for that. I did some nice antique shopping and picked up some cute things for her and one for me. Did you expect anything else. I had to control myself b/c they had so many incredible things. Anyone who knows me knows I love anything vintage. The older the better. The little antique shop I went to had lots of fur hats. Made me long for a nice cold winter night. We are a ways off from winter but it wasn't too hot or humid today with a nice breeze so it didn't feel too bad. Hope fall comes early this year. Here's a nice picture of a house in the French Quarter. This is why I live here. Would you rather be taking a stroll down the street with houses like this or fighting for a parking space with someone at the mall? You be the judge. I'm so happy b/c I found a parking space relatively fast.
Edwards Family Thank You Card
I got this cute thank you card from Crissy's family. See made it herself and it's sooo cute. She should really start making some for resale. She's really talented. It was a thank you card from when they came to visit in June 07. Well I'm off to the Quarter to pick up a gift for Nicky. Looks like my trip to NYC will happen since Dean is moving towards Mexico. Prayers for anyone who gets hit by it. Can you tell I'm obsessed with hurricanes? Wonder why?
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Nicky's Birthday
Today is Nicky's Birthday. For you who don't know she was my roommate in New Orleans and my first real friend in New Orleans. She's my BFF. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Hurricane Dean
So I woke up today with the radio alarm. As I woke up all I heard was that Hurricane Dean is supposed to hit Brownsville and might be a Category 5 when it hits. Keep telling Mami & Pop(my parents) to be prepared with water and stuff. I don't think they are taking it too seriously. I'm going to keep harassing them all wknd. Better prepared than waiting for the masses trying to buy batteries at HEB. Came home from having lunch and watched the weather channel. Here's some pics. I'll update them as the week goes on. I'm watching it closely b/c I'm scared it will turn and head this way. New Orleans and/or Louisiana doesn't need another hurricane. It's on my mind so I'm taking the car in for maintenance on Monday, filling my gas tank, and pulling some $$$$ out of the bank that way I can jump in my car with the kitties and important stuff(pictures, insurance papers, clothes). Keep you posted in case I'm heading to Houston not New York(trip planned for next wknd). XOXO
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Georgie is off to College
Well my nephew Jorge is off to college. I was just remembering when he was a baby and he scratched his name "JORGE" on my brand new car. It was so cute that I never got mad at him. Plus I did it find out til months later when I was washing my car. Now he's a young man and going off to college. I'm sad but proud of him for doing it. Hope he doesn't party too much like some people I know. Ok, like me. Moderation is the key to life. Here's a good pic of me and him at his graduation on June 01, 2007. Notice my skin. Looks good and I'm not even wearing foundation. It's Smashbox primer. Visit if you want to see the different primers they offer. Makes your face looks flawless especially in pictures. Just came from a dinner party
Excellence in the Rear
First Post

Since I'm totally new to blogging this is going to be kind of lame. I'm going to start with a simple post of my cute red shoes from Argentina. Lucky for me I have a nice job where I can goof off for a couple of minutes and do it. I totally would have taken a picture of me in them but than I'd be asked what I was doing since one of my coworkers would have to take a picture. Tomorrow I'll post a pic of my shoe collection. For the pervs with the shoe fetish I'm not posting me wearing them. :)
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