Ok, looks like I accomplished some of my list.
1. Picked up my shoes at the cobbler and left another three pairs to get repaired. Some crazy reason I am very hard on my shoes so me and Mr. Jimmy are on a first name basis. He doesn't even make me leave deposits anymore. It also helps that I make him a care package every Christmas with lots of treats. Note to self, no more black shoes. I picked up two pairs of shoes that were black and dropped off three more black pairs.
2. Picked up my alterations and dropped off some more. I've been using this new guy and he's fabulous. Language is still an issue(Vietnamese) but he gets it done. He's also fabulous with repairing the holes Gato puts in my sweaters. Long story but it involves him humping and moaning. I've slowly being altering my clothes that doesn't fit exactly right. I'm a petite and alot of my clothes is standard size. Ok, I'm a larger petite but petite means short not just tiny/small.
3. Went to Barnes and Noble with Randy to pick up some books for the Priestley Charter School. I bought two books for them and a bunch for me. The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros and Confederacy of Dunces. The House on Mango Street is one of my favorite books. It reminds me when my sisters and my parents sat around the kitchen table and tried to read it out loud. It didn't last long and lots of comedic relief. We should so have a sitcom based on me and my sisters. BTW, Philleppa Gregory has a new book or at least one I haven't read. The Boleyn Inheritance. And I still haven't seen the Other Boleyn Sister movie.
4. Nap-Well I wanted to walk down to the local park to walk around the monthly craft festival but I put my head down and napped for about a hour and half. That's pretty good Saturday afternoon nap.
5. I did work on cleaning up my mail and bills. Cancelled some stuff(after seeing bills) that I didn't need and straightened up my mail mess. Now all I need is a nice looking shredder.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
My new hair product
I just bought an 1 1/2" round curling iron and I love it. It gives my hair more of relaxed wind blown look than my smaller 1" curling iron. I'm totally loving it and it gives me another hair repertoire besides the straight and curls look I've been rocking the last couple of years. Post pictures later.
Current Mood-Restless
I'm sooo bored at work. Nothing going on right now. SLOW as molasses. Can't wait to get out of her and start my weekend. Lots and lots of plans for my time. Check it out.
1. Pick up alterations and drop off new stuff to be altered
2. Pick up shoes at cobbler(shoe guy) and drop off new shoes to be repaired/fixed.
3. Buy mulch and new flowers for my flowerbed. Don't know if I'll get around to planting and mulching my flowerbed.
4. Wash my car maybe even get it waxed. It's a hot mess. I'd say hot tranny mess but don't know if that works. Project Runway anyone?
5. CLEAN my house. I'm a slob and it needs to be cleaned. Maybe I should hire a maid. But than I'd have to direct her as what to do and I might as well do it myself right?
6. Thrift Store shopping- I'm going early since I want to beat people to the punch. Going with my friend Randy if I can convince him to get up early.
7. Schedule an hair appointment for next week or even Saturday. Need a bang touchup.
8. Go to Barnes and Noble and buy some books for Priestley.
9. Afternoon nap- No Saturday is complete without taking my nap after running my errands.
10. Organize my mail especially bills.
1. Pick up alterations and drop off new stuff to be altered
2. Pick up shoes at cobbler(shoe guy) and drop off new shoes to be repaired/fixed.
3. Buy mulch and new flowers for my flowerbed. Don't know if I'll get around to planting and mulching my flowerbed.
4. Wash my car maybe even get it waxed. It's a hot mess. I'd say hot tranny mess but don't know if that works. Project Runway anyone?
5. CLEAN my house. I'm a slob and it needs to be cleaned. Maybe I should hire a maid. But than I'd have to direct her as what to do and I might as well do it myself right?
6. Thrift Store shopping- I'm going early since I want to beat people to the punch. Going with my friend Randy if I can convince him to get up early.
7. Schedule an hair appointment for next week or even Saturday. Need a bang touchup.
8. Go to Barnes and Noble and buy some books for Priestley.
9. Afternoon nap- No Saturday is complete without taking my nap after running my errands.
10. Organize my mail especially bills.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
New Purchases

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Foul not Fowl
Ok, I feel like my brain is starting to atrophy from working at this place. Need to read more books.
Missoni Dress
Ok, I ordered that Missoni dress because it was a super duper deal but it's way too big so I've got to get it altered. It doesn't fit me anything like the picture below. I think that woman must be six feet tall in that picture. I got a size 10 b/c it was the last size they had. I'm usually a size 10 in dresses b/c of my damn wide back and size six in skirts and pants. I can sometimes get my ass in size 8 dresses but it's a stretch. Well maybe I'm an eight in Missoni dresses b/c they tend to stretch. I'll post picture of the altered dress later.
Mood Today - FOUL
Well, I'm feeling pretty foul today. Yes, I'm not feeling very happy today. Can't quite put a finger on it. Maybe it's the post holiday blues. I work out tonight so hopefully that will help. Wish I could take a happy pill to make it all right. I'm busy but not at work which probably doesn't help.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Easter in Austin

Well, I decided to go meet my family in Austin for Easter weekend. It was great. I haven't spent Easter with my family in about 10 years so it was great. It's one of those holidays you don't think about too much. We were supposed to get dressed up in our Easter Sunday finest but like most plans it didn't pan out. It was a little cold and windy so we ended up wearing warmer clothes. My sister Crissy went all out with her menu. It was delicious. Lucy, my other sister, made some really yummy desserts. I was responsible for the alcoholic breveages. It was lots of fun hiding the eggs and cracking the piñata. Hector and Sandra, my brother and my comadre, brought the cascarones and easter rabbit piñata. We had lots of fun cracking the eggs(cascarones) on each other. Even Roman got into it. Here's a few pics of the fun. After I split the piñata, my nephew Drew walked around with the Rabbit's head. It was hysterical b/c my brother laid a trap for him and caught him like a real rabbit. Anyway fun was had by all and we are going to meet in Houston next year. Didn't take alot of pictures and these are the best.
Monday, March 17, 2008
I finally got the purchase order for my HD deal I've been working on it. It's a nice sized purchase order and it's from a client I really like. YAHOO!!! I think I'll go out and celebrate tonight. Ok, I was going out to meet Cliff and the gang b/c they are walking in the French Quarter parade tonight. I'm worn out with parades. Saturday's St. Patrick's Day parade was lots of fun. Isabel took a nice pic of some guy dressed in all his Irish regalia. I'll post it later. I might leave early since I'm on cloud nine. CIAO!!!!
Anonymous Comments
If you are going to post comments tell me who you are. If I didn't want to know what you guys think than I would have turned off the comments. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I love each and everyone of you no matter what. :) I'm on my special pills this morning. Just joking.
Happy St. Patrick's Day

Friday, March 14, 2008
My weekly horoscope
I love to read my weekly horoscope on the Village Voice website. Here's this weeks horoscope for me. There are two of them. They both kind of ring true. Dontcha think? It's Friday and I'm not in the mood to do any serious work people.
Oct. 23 - Nov. 21
More home decorating for some, spring break skiing for others and, for a fortunate few, more romance. There’s a delicious rapport developing between verbal Mercury and vivacious Venus in watery Pisces with your ballsy Mars co-ruler in watery Cancer. This relationship reflects particularly well on the October Scorpion. However, along with the Aries ingress and the beginning of the astrological new year comes provocation from your Pluto co-ruler to apply the necessary pressure to resolve the latest power play.
SCORPIO [October 23–November 21] A heterosexual man who is seeking a partner often doesn't want a woman to be complete unto herself; he hopes she'll feel inadequate and lost without him. Similarly, many hetero women demand that their men be absolutely dependent on them. Those of the gay persuasion aren't necessarily any different; quite a few also prefer their consorts to be unable to thrive alone. But there are also plenty of people who want their intimate relationships to be an alliance of strong, equal, independent partners. Where do you stand on this issue, Scorpio? It's an ideal time for you to cultivate a longing for a bond in which you are complete unto yourself and your partner is complete unto himself or herself.
Oct. 23 - Nov. 21
More home decorating for some, spring break skiing for others and, for a fortunate few, more romance. There’s a delicious rapport developing between verbal Mercury and vivacious Venus in watery Pisces with your ballsy Mars co-ruler in watery Cancer. This relationship reflects particularly well on the October Scorpion. However, along with the Aries ingress and the beginning of the astrological new year comes provocation from your Pluto co-ruler to apply the necessary pressure to resolve the latest power play.
SCORPIO [October 23–November 21] A heterosexual man who is seeking a partner often doesn't want a woman to be complete unto herself; he hopes she'll feel inadequate and lost without him. Similarly, many hetero women demand that their men be absolutely dependent on them. Those of the gay persuasion aren't necessarily any different; quite a few also prefer their consorts to be unable to thrive alone. But there are also plenty of people who want their intimate relationships to be an alliance of strong, equal, independent partners. Where do you stand on this issue, Scorpio? It's an ideal time for you to cultivate a longing for a bond in which you are complete unto yourself and your partner is complete unto himself or herself.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Newest purchase

What's a girl to do when she'd feeling down? Shop of course. Anyway here's a M Missoni dress I just bought online from Bloomingdales. I'm a huge fan of Missoni but can't really afford the high end line(Missoni) so I go with their ready to wear line which is just as cute. I own a couple of pieces mainly shirts and they are the best buys b/c they are warm in the winter and pretty cool in the summer. I got an amazing deal on this dress. You know me ladies. Frugal shopper. Ok, maybe not frugal but definitely a smart shopper. I'm going to wear it in Vegas when I go out for NAB. Snazzy! I've been really good about my shopping so I believe I deserve this plus I'm sad and blue. Haven't gotten it since it just shipped but I'll take a picture of me in it to see what you think. XOXO
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I know he rarely reads my blog but on the off chance that he does. I wish him the best b/c he's one of my nearest and dearest friends here in New Orleans. He'd threatened to leave to Austin but he didn't.
I know he rarely reads my blog but on the off chance that he does. I wish him the best b/c he's one of my nearest and dearest friends here in New Orleans. He'd threatened to leave to Austin but he didn't.
I'd wanted to take him to dinner but I do the tv show tonight and he went ahead and made plans with his special girl friend(notice the space). We'll just have to celebrate this weekend.
Priestley Charter School Fundraiser
Please save the last week of March for a major book buying frenzy. There will be a book fair at Barnes & Noble Book Sellers, 3721 Veterans Blvd., during the week of March 23-29. Any book, food, coffee, or gift you buy during this week can benefit Priestley because a B & N will donate a percentage of the sale to Priestley.
In addition, there will be a table set up with books we would like to add to our library collection. You can purchase these for the library and still earn a percentage for the school besides donating the book. If you do this, please sign the front flyleaf, “To Priestley from ____________.” You may include a message if you would like.
We will distribute vouchers to the students the week before the sale. These are not necessary at the Veterans store as long as you tell the clerk at checkout that you are buying it for Priestley, but are necessary if you are purchasing something at another store.
If sales exceed $2,000.00, we get a higher percentage so please start your summer reading list, or get that book you have always wanted!
In addition, there will be a table set up with books we would like to add to our library collection. You can purchase these for the library and still earn a percentage for the school besides donating the book. If you do this, please sign the front flyleaf, “To Priestley from ____________.” You may include a message if you would like.
We will distribute vouchers to the students the week before the sale. These are not necessary at the Veterans store as long as you tell the clerk at checkout that you are buying it for Priestley, but are necessary if you are purchasing something at another store.
If sales exceed $2,000.00, we get a higher percentage so please start your summer reading list, or get that book you have always wanted!
Priestley Charter School
Just want to let you guys know that I have become involved in my neighborhood association in the last couple of months. We've been trying to get a security district for our neighborhood (additional paid police patrols). Things are really looking good on that front. We have also adopted the Priestley Charter School. This school will be housed in a building up the street from my house but the building needs to be renovated(asbestos and other nasty stuff need to be removed). Students are currently being taught out of another building. This morning I went by to help them with the Leap Test. I was a Test Administrator for a student who needed additional time to do her test. All I can say is that I'm glad I did it b/c it makes me feel great that I could help. The teachers and administrators were extremely friendly and thankful which hasn't been the case with my previous try at volunteering at other schools. Anyway, they will be holding a fundraiser on the week of March 23. More to follow. Check out the school. http://priestleycharterschool.com/about/about.htm
Monday, March 10, 2008
I thought I'd let you know that I have finally ended my relationship with Bryan. I just told Mami and I'm sure she was going to start spreading the word. Unfortunately things didn't turn out how I had hoped but sometimes life doesn't give you what you want. I'm doing OK and taking one day at a time with the help of my friends. Please no "I told you so". I have asked him to not contact me for a while to let the dust settle before we talk again. I'm sure one day we will be friends like some of my other boyfriends. Yes, I can be friends with my exes. I'm like that. Anyway, I will be traveling more regularly to sell friends and family so expect to see me soon.
St. Joseph's Parade
Saturday I went down to the French Quarter to see the St. Joseph's Day Parade. It was very entertaining b/c it's smaller and rolls through the quarter. Lots of non-Italians walk in it like my co-worker's son. My co-worker is in the St. Patrick's Day parade. They passed out garters, flowers and beads. Some girls let guys grab their ass if they get a garter from them. Cheesy I know but funny nonetheless. Of course I forgot my camera.
Album of the Month
Ok, I finally listened to all of Keyshia Cole's CD and it is great. Most of her songs are about the emotional pain of loving someone. Very very good.
10,000 BC
Me and my friend Mark went to see 10,000 BC the movie and we were very disappointed. Kind of boring and very predictable. Camilla Belle, the lead, is beautiful. Other than that it was pretty lame.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Weekly update
Well, I'm back from my training in Atlantic City. It was ok but I think I spent more time on planes than at training. I booked a direct flight there and I upgraded to first class for $100.00. Nice but I didn't drink any booze b/c my feet swell up. Well, I'd planned my flight to coordinate with my co-worker who was flying out of Little Rock. Turns out since there are no direct flights out of Little Rock to Philly my co-worker who rented the car got sent to Chicago where he had two flights cancelled before he could get on a flight to Philadelphia. Well instead of getting in at 1:00pm he got in at 5:30ish. I got in at close to 2:00pm so I had to wait around for him with my coworker from Memphis. By the time we got our car and actually made it to AC it was close to 9:00pm. Those two guys couldn't find their way out of a paperbag without a GPS. What should have been a hour and half drive turned into a three hour ordeal with them bickering about how to get there. Not cool. Well on the way back the only cheap direct flight was at 9:00ish in the am and that meant I had to get up at some ungodly hour so I decided to take a later flight. Only problem was that the flight didn't leave til 1:45pm and I'd stayed out drinking with my Sony rep and friends til 4:30am and we left the hotel at 9:00am to go to the airport. Lucky for me I got to sleep at the airport. So all and all it was an ok trip. Got invited to SXSW for the wknd but debating on whether I should go b/c I'm thinking about going for Easter. Don't know about Easter since I have tickets to the Hornets vs. Celtics game on the 22nd. FYI, I got to eat dinner at Bobby Flay's steakhouse at the Borgata(we stayed at the hotel). Yummy. Had a lobster/avocado cocktail(like shrimp cocktail) that was delicious. I'd been jonesing for lobster since I was in Hawaii.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Pictures of Hawaii Trip

Well here are some pictures of the trip. The first one is of Bryan and I on a sunset catamaran ride. It was a lot of fun. They served cocktails and we got to see whales and the sun set. Pretty cool stuff. The second picture is right before we hiked up Diamond Head. It was a very tough hike but we did it. We decided to do three things on the Friday the day before we left. Diamond Head, snorkeling at Hanama Bay and the Luau. The third picture of us is on Saturday right before we left at this open market by our hotel. The fourth picture is of me after snorkeling in Hanama Bay. It was a pretty amazing experience seeing fish that close up. I've got to scan the pictures b/c we used a under water camera(35mm). The last picture was the luau. My digital camera was dying so the picture isn't the best. It was all pretty amazing stuff. Lots of fun.
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