Thursday, November 20, 2008
Ok, so I woke up this morning with a pimple over my eyebrow. It's not your average pimple it's one of those undergrounder painful ones. I haven't had any pimples like that in over a year. I used to get them once a month right before my period but I've been on YAZ for over a year and yes it really does help with the complexion. I've never really had bad skin just those undergrounders as I got older leading up to my period. I've been fortunate to not have had adolescent acne like most people. Looks like there are two of them now. YIKES! Thank God I use Clearsil everyday mixed with my face cream. Maybe it'll go away fast b/c I've been known to pick at them. I had used Proactiv because a co-worker had given me her daughter's extra shipment and it seemed to work. I discovered that all it is is benzoyl peroxide mixed with the face cream so I've been using ROC cream mixed with Clearasil, it's main ingredient is benzoyl peroxide and I wash my face with a Nuetrogena product that has it too.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Last week I was really down and I needed a pick me up and I found this webcam which features six Shiba Inu puppies. They are so cute. So I would keep my browser up and I would be working on my computer and when I heard them cry or bark I would look at them. It's just like having puppies without having to clean poop. Totally made my day. Just checked on them and some of them are asleep and others are fighting the sleep. I'm in love with them and it makes me want to get a puppy. Check them out.
So cute!

My friend Robin sent me this picture and it's so cute. I feel like this some days. And yes I'm posting again. Nothing important though. BTW, headed to the VALLE for Thanksgiving. Who is up for Progreso on Wednesday? Micheladas with spicy peanuts anyone? Arturos for lunch? We can pick up some bottles for a nice cocktail during the Texas game. Margaritas anyone?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
JCrew Cords

I know I said I wasn't going to post but oh well. I just bought a new pair of the vintage bootcut cords from JCrew and I bought a size 6S and they fit way to big. I should have bought Size 4S. I'm slowly surely getting to my happy size of FOUR. Yes, I've been working out religiously. I've been trying to eat healthy but you know me. A hour on the elliptical machine is better than giving up some good grub. Here's a picture of them.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Blog posts
Guys I just want you to know that I'm going to stop making updates to my blog for a while. I might post about my wardrobe purchases and such but I'm not posting anymore personal stuff. I didn't want to put a password on it to keep people out so I think I'll just stop writing. Certain vermin have been reading it and passing their bad vibes onto me. I'm done with that. I will probably either start a new one or post after a couple of months/weeks but before I go I want to post one last post.
Things I can live without and other stuff.
1. People who attend evangelical churches and have so much hate in their hearts. I think that Jesus taught us to live by one golden rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. I'm not a holy roller or bible thumper but I do know that venom and hate towards other people won't get you into heaven and you'll always be a miserable person.
2. Mary Kay- How 1990's is that? Yes, it's directed at you.
3. Purple or Magenta Hair-If God wanted you to have that hair color he would have created it in nature. And yes, it's directed at both of you.
4. Exes who can't let go of the past. I'm friends with most of my exes b/c I let shit go. Yeah they did me wrong but how long can I harbor ill feelings for people I supposedly loved. I loved them enough to be with them. I don't have the time or energy to carry that anger and bitterness. Life is too short. Plus they always love me b/c I'm special like that. :)
5. People who are so miserable that they will make those around them miserable. If they can't be happy no one will be. Get over it. Think about all the negative energy you are sprouting because you can't move on with your life. Take some of that energy you are wasting and use it on something positive.
6. Negative vibes-Take your stank ass and all your negativity and send those vibes to someone else or just keep them to yourself.
7. Ignorant People-How about you expand your life by befriending someone of a different social economic group or even ethnic group. You can't learn anything from the same people you've known your whole life. Try traveling to places other than the Redneck Riviera. You won't meet anyone that is different than you. Try reading a book other than the Bible everyone now and than. Pick up a NY Times, Vanity Fair, New Yorker or even read a blog not written by a right wing nut. Ignorance is not a virtue. It is pathetic. Oh and stop watching Fox News for a while.
8. Liars- What is it with people who tell lies or half truths? The truth always comes out. Whether it's your mother spilling the beans because you didn't keep her in the loop about the half truths you told or your friends telling you something they shouldn't have. To me, just tell the truth and you'll always be ok. It might hurt and it might sting but in the long run you will be safe. I think half truths are worse than lies b/c you are straddling the post b/c you can't even make a decision on where you stand. Lies and half truths always come back to haunt you and hurt the people you told them to.
9. People who read your journal. There is absolutely no reason for someone to read your innermost thoughts. A journal is such a personal thing and you write down what you are feeling at that exact moment. Pain, jealousy, anger, hurt. Those feelings might not last or those thoughts might be temporary so if you decide to read it think about the invasion of privacy and trust you've committed. You can't throw it in their face every time you get mad because you are the asshole who read it. To be honest, I've had three boyfriends read my journal. I didn't think I needed to keep it hidden but I guess third times the charm. I guess I'm too trusting.
10. Personal responsibility. People who don't own up to their actions. You have to take personal responsibility for fucking up your life. Only you can do it. Ok, so you fucked up your life how about you acknowledging it and doing something about it. The good thing about life is that God will always forgive you and that's the one person that matters. Set your life straight. Stop making the same mistakes you keep making. I include myself in this one and I take full responsibility for my actions. I trust and believe in people to a fault. I hope and pray that people change and see their hidden potential and I always get burned. I have to accept that people only change if they want to IE personal responsibility. It's not the world that's wronged you it's you making the same silly mistakes because you are spoiled rotten and never been told that you are a fuck up.
Sandra Patricia Hernandez
Things I can live without and other stuff.
1. People who attend evangelical churches and have so much hate in their hearts. I think that Jesus taught us to live by one golden rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. I'm not a holy roller or bible thumper but I do know that venom and hate towards other people won't get you into heaven and you'll always be a miserable person.
2. Mary Kay- How 1990's is that? Yes, it's directed at you.
3. Purple or Magenta Hair-If God wanted you to have that hair color he would have created it in nature. And yes, it's directed at both of you.
4. Exes who can't let go of the past. I'm friends with most of my exes b/c I let shit go. Yeah they did me wrong but how long can I harbor ill feelings for people I supposedly loved. I loved them enough to be with them. I don't have the time or energy to carry that anger and bitterness. Life is too short. Plus they always love me b/c I'm special like that. :)
5. People who are so miserable that they will make those around them miserable. If they can't be happy no one will be. Get over it. Think about all the negative energy you are sprouting because you can't move on with your life. Take some of that energy you are wasting and use it on something positive.
6. Negative vibes-Take your stank ass and all your negativity and send those vibes to someone else or just keep them to yourself.
7. Ignorant People-How about you expand your life by befriending someone of a different social economic group or even ethnic group. You can't learn anything from the same people you've known your whole life. Try traveling to places other than the Redneck Riviera. You won't meet anyone that is different than you. Try reading a book other than the Bible everyone now and than. Pick up a NY Times, Vanity Fair, New Yorker or even read a blog not written by a right wing nut. Ignorance is not a virtue. It is pathetic. Oh and stop watching Fox News for a while.
8. Liars- What is it with people who tell lies or half truths? The truth always comes out. Whether it's your mother spilling the beans because you didn't keep her in the loop about the half truths you told or your friends telling you something they shouldn't have. To me, just tell the truth and you'll always be ok. It might hurt and it might sting but in the long run you will be safe. I think half truths are worse than lies b/c you are straddling the post b/c you can't even make a decision on where you stand. Lies and half truths always come back to haunt you and hurt the people you told them to.
9. People who read your journal. There is absolutely no reason for someone to read your innermost thoughts. A journal is such a personal thing and you write down what you are feeling at that exact moment. Pain, jealousy, anger, hurt. Those feelings might not last or those thoughts might be temporary so if you decide to read it think about the invasion of privacy and trust you've committed. You can't throw it in their face every time you get mad because you are the asshole who read it. To be honest, I've had three boyfriends read my journal. I didn't think I needed to keep it hidden but I guess third times the charm. I guess I'm too trusting.
10. Personal responsibility. People who don't own up to their actions. You have to take personal responsibility for fucking up your life. Only you can do it. Ok, so you fucked up your life how about you acknowledging it and doing something about it. The good thing about life is that God will always forgive you and that's the one person that matters. Set your life straight. Stop making the same mistakes you keep making. I include myself in this one and I take full responsibility for my actions. I trust and believe in people to a fault. I hope and pray that people change and see their hidden potential and I always get burned. I have to accept that people only change if they want to IE personal responsibility. It's not the world that's wronged you it's you making the same silly mistakes because you are spoiled rotten and never been told that you are a fuck up.
Sandra Patricia Hernandez
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama wins. I'm so happy. I ended up going to the R Bar with my friend Randy and his friend to watch the results and they called it pretty early and served champagne. I like McCain's speech and wish the rest of America would quit hating and come together. We shall see. I guess some people are so blinded by hate and racism that they'll never get past it. Oh well. After a drink we moved on to an Obama victory party with a DJ spinning and lots of people celebrating. It was total chaos. One thing is for sure is that young people love him.
On another note, I've been exercising almost every day and I've lost six pounds. I'm really excited because I'd built up a lot of muscle but I still have that layer of fat that I'm trying to work off around my mid section. It's slowly going away and my six OK two pack is starting to show up. It also seems to help me with my stress and keeps me sane.
Also, I seem to have the shopping bug back. I'm going to do a little J.Crew shopping online b/c some of their stuff has an additional 30% off. YAHOO!
BTW, I spent Halloween with my nephew in Austin and I had so much fun with him. He has learned how to talk and repeats everything. He's a cutey. Here's a picture of him and me. I also got to hang out with my friend Ociel on Halloween night. He is one of my best friends from college and I don't get to see him very often but we ended up going to 6th Street for drinks and merriment. Here's picture of Crissy, Eric, Roman and I. It's at the end of trick and treating and we are all kind of tired.
It's Bryan's birthday today so I want to give him a shout out. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day and all your dreams come true this year! XOXO
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