I swear I'm not drunk in this picture. Just small eyes. You can't see them but I've got cat ears on and a tail in the back.

It was really cold that night and the wind was blowing. Don't think Mami got up from her chair the whole time we were at the parade. She didn't have to move since they threw her lots of beads.

Here's Pop nursing his injury. It looked pretty bad and he wouldn't sit still to make it stop bleeding.

Sorry I haven't blogged like in forever. I've been completely and utterly wrapped up in my life. Couple of things happened recently. I ran a 10K, Beth's birthday bash at the horse track, Mardi Gras and I hurt my back recently. I've been up to a lot of other stuff but I'm trying to keep it short.
First, I decided to run a 10K to try it out. I didn't do so bad. I believe I did it in like 1 hour and 4 minutes. I was doing good til I got to Mile 4 and my knees were killing me. I almost gave up but this old lady passed me up and I was like HELL NO. I ended up getting a second wind and sprinted the last mile. I think that's how I did better than I thought. I've got very muscular thighs and legs so they totally propelled me. I'll post pictures later since I have to get them from Bryan. I wiped my forehead when I finished and I felt all this salt on my forehead from all the sweating I did. On another note, I haven't really run since than since my knees took a real beating. I'm going to start again so I can do the Crescent City Classic in April.
Second, on the day of the 10K I drove back to New Orleans from Baton Rouge to go meet up with Beth and family/friends for her bday celebration at the Fairgrounds. I bet like $5.00 on one race and lost so I didn't bet after that. I wished I hadn't run that morning because I was so tired that day and evening. It really tired me out. I'm posting some pictures of the event.
Mardi Gras was a blast. Mami and Pop came to visit and it was constant entertaining. Bryan & I picked them up in Houston and drove back in their truck. We stopped at IKEA and picked up a couple of things I needed for the house. No furniture just a big rug and stuff like that. Anyway, we got to catch lots of parades. I think Pop's favorite was the Muses which is an all female parade. The best part was the female "dancer" in the shadow box pressing her boobs up against the material in the box. It's hard to describe but I think Pop really liked it. My friend Will drove to the parade route with us and he got along really well with them. Of course my friend Gary won their hearts. Gary is married to Autumn and they recently moved back to town and they are really cool to hang out with us. I'm posting some pictures of the parades. One of the last parades we caught with my parents was Bacchus. Pop got hit in the head with a bag of beads which split open his eyebrow but not to worry he took a shot of Crown Royal and was on his way to catch more beads. He had that Mardi Gras spirit. Have a feeling he'll be back for more. Beth & I decided to costume for Lundi Gras since we usually don't go out and party on Mardi Gras. My favorite parade is Orpheus and it rolls on Monday night. We caught it on St. Charles by Beth's grandmother's house and than Gary, Autumn, Beth & I drove over to the warehouse district and caught the end of it. Beth and I got a little tipsy. I dressed up as a sort of a cat thing. Check out the silver fox hat. I bought it in the quarter and it's vintage. Autumn has a video of me doing shadow puppets with my tail. I haven't seen it but it's a warning to not drink to much. Here's some pictures of the events.