So today I got some flowers from Bryan. I've been receiving flowers from him very regularly since he has been gone and he order them from Fat Cat Flowers They always do an amazing job. I still love the first flowers Bryan sent me the most from their shop. They are beautiful. Here's the first ones and the latest ones(sunflowers)which I love also. What do you think? BTW, he always writes kooky crazy messages on the cards that make me smile. I shared the last one with Crissy and we laughed. Now I feel bad because I was a bit of a shit to Bryan this am.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I will be updating my blog with new posts in the next couple of days. Hope you look forward to it.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Updates, updates & more updates
Well looks like I'm back on the market. I can't say I'm happy or unhappy about it. It is just the situation. I'm happy that I've got a great group of friends around me and far away who are supportive and understanding. I've been really busy lately with work and other aspects of life. I've been doing all kinds of fun thing with old and new friends. Hanging out and just having some genuine fun. I'm really grateful for everything I have in my life. I have health, happiness, stability and I live in one of the awesomest cities in the world. There is always something new and different for me to do. What more could a girl ask for? Planning a trip to Europe again for this summer and maybe a trip to Destin as soon as it warms up. Thinking about meeting a friend in Austin for SXSW. It would be nice to catch up with my sister and her family and my friend. My rental house is under contract and it's looking good for me to unload it by the end of March. I've decided to do some early spring cleaning this weekend and get rid of a lot of clutter in my house. I'm going to try to get rid of all the things that don't mean a lot to me. Might even put some clothes and shoes on ebay. I might have a garage sale or take it down to a Goodwill store for all the other junk. I've been thinking that I might consider selling my house and downsizing to a nice little condo in the Marigny or Warehouse district. I feel like at this point in my life I should do what I've always wanted to do and I'm not that keen on worrying about all the exterior problems I'm going to have to worry about this house. Anyways I'll post more as I go along. Might need some help deciding what to keep or get rid of.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Where did that come from?
So last night I was searching for something to wear and I realized that I had to go looking for my fat jeans in the back of my closet. Yes, I gained weight and yes I have fat jeans. I didn't give them all away I kept two three pairs. I'm now the proud owner of some nice sized love handles. Haven't seen them in a while and I'm so not happy. There is absolutely nothing nice about walking around with a muffin top no matter how many you see walking the streets. No mi gusta the ole muffin top. You'll be seeing me in a lot of black tops because nothing gives the illusion of being thinner than wearing black or at least that's what I believe. At the end of April I was a size 4 and now I'm a snug 6. I'm working on the diet and working out but it's going to take a lot of work to get back to my Brazilian bikini wearing days. My face looks a bit swollen to which definitely doesn't help me because I have a huge head and face to begin with. It's massive. I'm hoping I catch that bug I had in April where I lost like 3lbs in a week. It was awesome because I didn't feel sick I just couldn't keep anything in my stomach. Won't go into detail because it's not pretty but let's just say Immodium solved the problem. Or was it a problem? Anyway, I'd post a picture of me in my bikini to shame myself into shape but I think you'd go blind and I wouldn't want the last thing you see to be me. Imagine the nightmares. I'm trying to run a half marathon by the end of February but I can barely run 4 miles right now. If I can get my ass to run every other day I should be in good shape for Spring Break because nothing says hot like a 30ish woman running around South Padre Island with college kids. I kid.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Patty's Annual Christmas List
This year I decided to keep it simple and cheap cause of the economy and all that. I've got my health, happiness and all that jazz so I can't be any happier. Ok, I can always be happier but I'm not going on those damn pills no matter what the doctor said. I like my huge highs and lows. How else would I know I'm happy and/or sad if I didn't have a minor breakdown every other day? I know what you're thinking no I'm not crazy just special. Anyway I haven't really been updating my blog lately but I promise if Santa brings me a new camera with a working flash I will definitely post more often. No Santa isn't Bryan. Better not be. Guys here's the list of stuff I need not want.
1. Black socks so you can’t see my toes when I wear open toed shoes or take off my shoes. Yes, it’s happened to me and it's a bit embarrasing and using dirty socks isn't sexy. Long and short ones are good.
2. Cheese plate. Made of wood so I don’t have to borrow Isabel’s and than take two weeks to get it back to her.
3. Black leggings from American Apparel. I have two pairs and they are always dirty and one pair has a hole in it. They would definitely be loved and used regularly.
4. Winter white tights not leggings. I’d prefer some Spanx cause my ass is huge. Yes, I’ve put some pounds on and my wish came true. I’m now a proud owner of a big juicy ass.
5. Gold Lame tights from American Apparel. Ok I don’t really need these but how bad ass would they be to wear to a game?
6. Some of that ROCK nail stuff from Sally’s. Yes it causes birth defects but it makes your nails look shiny for a while and protects the color so my pedicure last a couple weeks longer. Yeah the nails get long but the color is still rocking.
7. Lingerie wash bag. I’ve been washing everything in Hand Wash mode but I don’t think my clothes are getting clean. Work out clothes don't do so well in hand wash mode especially if I decide to eat that greasy taco in my work out clothes.
8. Hot rollers. Yes, I would so love to curl my hair old school style. I’ve seemed to lost all of my natural curl so I’ve got to get them back the old fashioned way. Heat
9. Pizza tray- Can you believe I don’t own one? Since I love to make homemade pizza dough with my copious amount of free time I definitely need one. Ok, I don’t make it I pick up fresh dough at Whole Foods for about $3.00. I’m not fucking Martha Stewart you know.
10. Booze- Yes, I like the fire water in any form. I’m a big fan of Absolute New Orleans & Grey Goose. I also need some vermouth in case I wanted to make a martini for my grown up friends. Yes, I have some and if you are reading this it's probably not you.. I’m also in need of some wine preferably Pinot Noirs, Pinot Grigios, & Pouilly Fusses. Ok, let’s not kid ourselves I love all wines except the kind in boxes. Call me a snob. Although it does work in a pinch for making Sangria. I’m also a fan of the Cava preferably in multiple bottles.
Bonus Items: The tray from Ikea that’s made of glass and has several compartments to serve different things in it. Just broke it last night. Also I’d like some round serving trays. Also need outfits for Rico my friend for the upcoming holidays like Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day etc. Do you know Rico?
1. Black socks so you can’t see my toes when I wear open toed shoes or take off my shoes. Yes, it’s happened to me and it's a bit embarrasing and using dirty socks isn't sexy. Long and short ones are good.
2. Cheese plate. Made of wood so I don’t have to borrow Isabel’s and than take two weeks to get it back to her.
3. Black leggings from American Apparel. I have two pairs and they are always dirty and one pair has a hole in it. They would definitely be loved and used regularly.
4. Winter white tights not leggings. I’d prefer some Spanx cause my ass is huge. Yes, I’ve put some pounds on and my wish came true. I’m now a proud owner of a big juicy ass.
5. Gold Lame tights from American Apparel. Ok I don’t really need these but how bad ass would they be to wear to a game?
6. Some of that ROCK nail stuff from Sally’s. Yes it causes birth defects but it makes your nails look shiny for a while and protects the color so my pedicure last a couple weeks longer. Yeah the nails get long but the color is still rocking.
7. Lingerie wash bag. I’ve been washing everything in Hand Wash mode but I don’t think my clothes are getting clean. Work out clothes don't do so well in hand wash mode especially if I decide to eat that greasy taco in my work out clothes.
8. Hot rollers. Yes, I would so love to curl my hair old school style. I’ve seemed to lost all of my natural curl so I’ve got to get them back the old fashioned way. Heat
9. Pizza tray- Can you believe I don’t own one? Since I love to make homemade pizza dough with my copious amount of free time I definitely need one. Ok, I don’t make it I pick up fresh dough at Whole Foods for about $3.00. I’m not fucking Martha Stewart you know.
10. Booze- Yes, I like the fire water in any form. I’m a big fan of Absolute New Orleans & Grey Goose. I also need some vermouth in case I wanted to make a martini for my grown up friends. Yes, I have some and if you are reading this it's probably not you.. I’m also in need of some wine preferably Pinot Noirs, Pinot Grigios, & Pouilly Fusses. Ok, let’s not kid ourselves I love all wines except the kind in boxes. Call me a snob. Although it does work in a pinch for making Sangria. I’m also a fan of the Cava preferably in multiple bottles.
Bonus Items: The tray from Ikea that’s made of glass and has several compartments to serve different things in it. Just broke it last night. Also I’d like some round serving trays. Also need outfits for Rico my friend for the upcoming holidays like Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day etc. Do you know Rico?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Saints game

Monday, October 26, 2009
Baking Skills
This Sunday I was invited to a Saints game at Autumn and Gary's so I decided to make some cupcakes and caramel apples for the shindig. Anyway I decided to take the extra step and jazz him them up with the Saints logo. I got my friend to cut out a fleur- de- lis on paper and I decorated the cupcakes with black sugar. Check them out. It's devils food cake with cream cheese frosting. They were a hit. My caramel apples were a big hit also. Someone at the party asked if I made the caramel. He's a chef at Stella a really nice restaurant here in New Orleans and he said it was easy. I'm sure with time I could have but microwaving the caramel candies was hard enough. Just kidding. Robin did help me unwrap the candies. I could have bought the already unwrapped ones but for the same price I got about 3 more ounces so I went with the wrapped ones. I also made a practice run on some ghost cupcakes I'm going to make for the people working on DeTodo tomorrow. Check him out.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Happy Halloween!
So it's my favorite time of the year. The weather has finally cooled down and Halloween is just around the corner. Halloween is my favorite time of the year since it falls one day after my birthday so it's a celebration all weekend long. I've already been to one Halloween party this year and of course I broke out the old Catholic School outfit. Bryan was a professor and I was his student. It was cheap costume(I had all the components in my wardrobe don't ask) and it's all about the savings this year since the economy is in the tank. I'll post pictures of me in my costume as soon as I get them from Bryan. Left my camera charger in Austin and still waiting for Crissy to send it to me. She's got a six month old and three year old so I might be waiting a while. I look like a 15 year old Asian girl. Kinda creepy. When I put my hair in pigtails I look expressly young and Asian. Anyway, Bryan and I are thinking about going as sexual positions for Halloween. Bryan as missionary and I as reverse cowgirl. My friend Beth might be going as masturbation and we are trying to get another friend to go as the wheel barrow. Trying to figure that one out. Anyway I will post pictures later as soon as I get them. XO
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
My obsession

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Fall/Winter 2009 Purchases
So I've decided to make a few purchases for Fall/Winter to update my wardrobe. Nothing too crazy. I'm kinda broke so might just end up buying on or two things. Here's what I want so far. Some items might be deleted or added as I see fit but this is my basic list.
1. Small leather jacket like a bomber jacket- All the girls in Paris were wearing them even if it was like 80 degrees. I'm not sure if I want a black one or different color. It's funny because when I went to the flea market in Paris they had all these vendors selling these cute small leather jackets like this one. I was so afraid of my lack of French skills I didn't go up to them and buy one. It's one of my regrets about the trip when it comes to what I should have bought when I was over there. Anyway I love the look of this jacket with some slacks or jean trouser jeans. Since it never gets that cold here I can wear it a lot.
2. Short boots. I've got all kinds
of boots in black and brown but most of them are high heeled in some manner whether it's a wedge or platform heel. I really want a low pair that is comfy and stylish enough to wear with leggings and a dress. I also want them to be nice. I'm a huge fan of Loefflar Randall but my pocketbook doesn't really care for them. I've wanted some for awhile but I'm not going with the platforms since as mentioned earlier I have to many high heeled boots. I'm not saying I'm buying the flats either just something similar to this one. J.Crew has some really nice ones I've got my eye on but not sure yet if I'll get them.
3. Long strand of pearls. Not real ones of course. For everyday use to funk up some outfits.
4. Blazer-I'm in love with this schoolboy blazer from JCrew. They've got other colors but I kind of like this color b/c it would totally pop with pretty much anything. Ok, I'm just going to ahead and say that I love pretty much anything from the JCrew catalog but this is one of my favorite pieces.
5. Pencil Skirt- I totally want a denim pencil skirt that JCrew has in their current catalog but I'm really in need of a nice black pencil skirt. I've got lots of black skirts but none of them are that one truly great fitting black pencil skirt that you need in your wardrobe.

6. Philip Lim Black leather skirt-It's totally out of my budget but it's so damn cute. I think I could wear this skirt for many winters/falls. It's leather but it looks so light and soft. Maybe if I gave up going out for a month I could save enough to buy it. Hmm is it worth it? I'll have to sleep on it or go out and close some sales.
7. Leather leggings-I'm loving the way they look in catalogs and magazines but I'm not sure how they'll work on me. I've seen quite a few pairs from Alice+Olive, Vince and others but for 800.00 I'm going to take some BR black leather pants to the seamstress and have her tighten the shit out of them. I've got two pairs of the same pants so if she fucks them up I can always wear the other ones. Don't ask about that.
8. Anna Sui Collection for Target -I'm a fan of their designer collections as you can see from my previous posts so I'll be hitting up the local Target to get me a piece or two if it fits right. Nothing worse than being excited for Target's collections and realizing that all their stuff fits really bad.
9. American Apparel Shirt Dress-I saw this in their store and fell for it. I was buying my red dress for the Red Dress Run so I couldn't buy it. Budget you know. It's really absolutely cute and I could wear it with tights and those short boots. Speaking of tights I bought this sheer tights in Paris that I'll be rocking this winter
10. Denim Tunic Dress-Nicky bought one while we were in Barcelona. I wanted one but didn't buy one because I didn't want to seem like I was biting off her style so now I'm left with wanting one. Haven't done to much searching on it but shouldn't be hard to find one.

2. Short boots. I've got all kinds

3. Long strand of pearls. Not real ones of course. For everyday use to funk up some outfits.
5. Pencil Skirt- I totally want a denim pencil skirt that JCrew has in their current catalog but I'm really in need of a nice black pencil skirt. I've got lots of black skirts but none of them are that one truly great fitting black pencil skirt that you need in your wardrobe.

6. Philip Lim Black leather skirt-It's totally out of my budget but it's so damn cute. I think I could wear this skirt for many winters/falls. It's leather but it looks so light and soft. Maybe if I gave up going out for a month I could save enough to buy it. Hmm is it worth it? I'll have to sleep on it or go out and close some sales.
7. Leather leggings-I'm loving the way they look in catalogs and magazines but I'm not sure how they'll work on me. I've seen quite a few pairs from Alice+Olive, Vince and others but for 800.00 I'm going to take some BR black leather pants to the seamstress and have her tighten the shit out of them. I've got two pairs of the same pants so if she fucks them up I can always wear the other ones. Don't ask about that.
8. Anna Sui Collection for Target -I'm a fan of their designer collections as you can see from my previous posts so I'll be hitting up the local Target to get me a piece or two if it fits right. Nothing worse than being excited for Target's collections and realizing that all their stuff fits really bad.

10. Denim Tunic Dress-Nicky bought one while we were in Barcelona. I wanted one but didn't buy one because I didn't want to seem like I was biting off her style so now I'm left with wanting one. Haven't done to much searching on it but shouldn't be hard to find one.
New Purchase

Monday, August 3, 2009
Hey everyone I'm back and posting. Nothing crazy since I'm broke and I'm not buying anything. What I think I'll do is start posting some of the items I'm finding in my closet to wear and also the battle to lose these damn five pounds that came out of nowhere and parked themselves on my mid section. Today I'm starting my whole workout regimen and diet plan. No fried food or bad carbs. I'll keep you posted. What I should do is post a picture of me in my bikini to shame me into losing the weight.
Nothing crazy this weekend. I did buy a new coffee table that is so cute. I picked it up at a consignment store and Isabel helped me decide on making the purchase and actually getting it to my house since it's got a marble top. I'm working on getting my living room to how I want it to look(like a page out of now defunct Domino magaine). I'll post picture of it later today. On Saturday, Isabel, Andy, Beth and I went to the HiHo Lounge to see some ZydecoPunks band. Had a good time but it was sooo hot inside that we ended up listening to them outside the place. I was wearing a tunic with sheer leggings and I was dying. That's what I get for trying to wear what girls in Paris were wearing. I should have remembered that they don't have the heat and humidity that we have. On Sunday went to see G-force in 3D with Bryan and the kids. It was cute and I love Tracy Morgan so I was happy. I really want to see Moon and the Hurt Locker this week. Also it's time again to break out the ole red dress for the REd Dress Run this saturday. I'll be working on it this week.
Nothing crazy this weekend. I did buy a new coffee table that is so cute. I picked it up at a consignment store and Isabel helped me decide on making the purchase and actually getting it to my house since it's got a marble top. I'm working on getting my living room to how I want it to look(like a page out of now defunct Domino magaine). I'll post picture of it later today. On Saturday, Isabel, Andy, Beth and I went to the HiHo Lounge to see some ZydecoPunks band. Had a good time but it was sooo hot inside that we ended up listening to them outside the place. I was wearing a tunic with sheer leggings and I was dying. That's what I get for trying to wear what girls in Paris were wearing. I should have remembered that they don't have the heat and humidity that we have. On Sunday went to see G-force in 3D with Bryan and the kids. It was cute and I love Tracy Morgan so I was happy. I really want to see Moon and the Hurt Locker this week. Also it's time again to break out the ole red dress for the REd Dress Run this saturday. I'll be working on it this week.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tracy Feith Dress

I was looking through my closet and I've racked up some serious clothes from Target's designer collaborations. I think my favorites were Paul & Joe & Alice Temperley. I constantly wear my Paul & Joe jeans because they make my bootie look good and the little sweater is some kind of cool and I only paid like $15.00 for it because I got in on sale in the Valley . I love my pieces from Alice Temperley also but I can only wear them in the winter cause one is a jacket and the other is a long sleeve shirt. Check'em out. I also have pieces from Proenza Schouler, Libertine
(awesome bolero), Patrick Robinson, and I'm sure
others I can't think of at this moment but I'll add them later.

I'm back
So I've been back from Paris and Barcelona for a week. I spent the whole weekend cleaning and washing clothes with a little bit of entertaining on Saturday night. I decided to make Cava Sangria from this mix I bought at William and Sonoma. I wasn't impressed. I'm going to make my own mix next time. I was really missing my pork sausage but I'm going to make it my mission to hunt some down in the city. I did make some quinoa that was fabulous with nothing but tomatoes and onions. It's such a light refreshing side for the summer.
I also ironed all my laundry which I'd washed on Saturday and I also did some hemming and sewing stuff that I'd been unable to wear because it was torn. I also finished this project that's been sitting in my living room for close to a year. It didn't exactly come out how I wanted it to but it's at least finished. I'll post a picture later. I found it in Blueprint the old Martha Stewart design magazine and wanted to do it for a while. I also cleaned up my dining room table that had been laden down with receipts and crap and now it's pretty much cleaned up. I'm kind of proud because I actually finished all my laundry and most of it is either folded, ironed and put away.
I'll be posting pictures of my trip and the cute things I bought!
I also ironed all my laundry which I'd washed on Saturday and I also did some hemming and sewing stuff that I'd been unable to wear because it was torn. I also finished this project that's been sitting in my living room for close to a year. It didn't exactly come out how I wanted it to but it's at least finished. I'll post a picture later. I found it in Blueprint the old Martha Stewart design magazine and wanted to do it for a while. I also cleaned up my dining room table that had been laden down with receipts and crap and now it's pretty much cleaned up. I'm kind of proud because I actually finished all my laundry and most of it is either folded, ironed and put away.
I'll be posting pictures of my trip and the cute things I bought!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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