I went to my annual gyn appt today and it took three hours. Normally I would be pissed off at my docter but I love her to death b/c she's so cool and laid back. She also told me I didn't have to freeze my eggs(in case I wanted to have a baby later in life) because she had her kid late in life too. So as I was bored out of mind waiting I picked up this magazine and I swear this baby could be my baby. She won some contest on GMA. The other babies aren't anywhere near as cute as Roman, Amanda or lil man Felix. All I have to say is b/c my gyn is also an ob the waiting room was filled with pregnant woman. Made me think I was missing out on something. Maybe or maybe not. Can't imagine giving up my life but I guess you'll know when the time is right, right?
1 comment:
Okay Amanda, Felix and Roman aren't the only nieces and nephews you had that are georgeous!!! Remember Taylor and George and Helen and Oscar and do I need to go on with the rest, Like Juan's kids. and I do have to say Taylor's got one under the belt...beauty and costume. Actually two... So there!
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