Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Recap

So, I went home for the Holidays on the 21st. I ended up running lost of errands up to the evening of the 20th. I went to a holiday dinner with Beth and Michael at this new Japanese restaurant on Magazine street and exchanged gifts. It was pretty good and we ended up walking up Magazine Street to have some gelato. Beth had this amazing chocholate with chili pepper gelato that was pretty out of this world. Going back to try it later.
The trip to the Valle(it's called the Rio Grande Valley) where my parents was eventful. My luggage didn't get in with me b/c my flight out of New Orleans was late so I was late getting on my flight to Harlingen. Note to self, fly in/out of McAllen. I somehow didn't reserve the car I thought I'd reserved so my brother lent me one of his cars. Thanks Hector and Sandra. I ended up buying a Wii. More of that later. My nephews baptisms went smooth on the 22nd. Can't post any of their pics b/c of the perverts out in the world. Christmas Eve was great b/c my cousins on my mom's side were down from Chicago. It's the Roman family and we grew up with them when we lived up North. It was one of the best Christmas ever. We even had a piƱata. I'll post pics later after I get them from other people. I forgot my camera's charger and it pretty much died on me. Anyway there was lots of drinking. I'd bought two bottles of the Absolut New Orleans Vodka and shipped it to my parents house. We drank some of it the night of the baptism party and the rest on Christmas Eve. My sister Crissy and I did most of the cooking for our Christmas Eve dinner. The turkey was a group effort this year and it was delicious! I gave a great dance performance wearing my Santa hat and stockings(the red ones meant for the fireplace). Really funny stuff. After we opened presents on Christmas Eve we opened up the Wii and I played the boxing game a little too enthusiastically. Let's just say that I woke up on the 26th feeling as if someone beat me up. Anyway I had to wake up at 4:30am on Wednesday to catch a 6:30am flight out on the 26th. I went directly to SAKS and met up with my friend Isabel after I landed to try to take advantage of the 50% off before noon sale. Got some good deals and I'll post pics later.

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