Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I've put together my list for this year's resolutions and here they are. In no way are they listed in order of importance. I know it's hard to keep them but I'm going to have regular checkups to make sure I've accomplished them.

1. Save more money specifically for retirement.

2. Move-Either sell my house or rent it and move into a different house

3. Lose weight and get in better shape- Want to drop 10 or 15lbs-Mainly the muffin top and be able to run a mile without stopping

4. Work on my relationship- *private*

5. Eat better- More green leafy vegetables

6. Spend more time with my family and friends-Plan trips with parents, sisters and friends.

7. Get organized- Give or throw away anything that I haven't used in over a year. Clothes, shoes, dishes etc.

8. Read more-Exercise my brain

9. Be more proactive at work- Increase sales by 25% this year

10. Be a better person- Quit gossiping about people. Be more open minded about people.


Volunteer to help a non-profit organization.

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