Ok, Michael made this CD with lots of 80s songs that I've been playing the hell out of. There is one song that makes me smile and happy no matter what's on my mind. The CD is so good that Cliff wouldn't give it back to me after I left it in his car. Here it is. It reminds me of rollerskating, terry cloth tube tops, feathered hair, short blue jeans, smocked dresses and all those things that were cool when I was young. It'a Air Supply's Lost in Love.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Weekend Recap

So this weekend Robin was in town so I didn't get to pack very much. She got in on Wednesday and left on Sunday. On Friday night we met up with her friend Deedee for dinner and than we went to have drinks at the RBar. George, a friend of ours, came by to have drinks with us. We ended up walking up and down Frenchmen street trying to figure out where we wanted to go. We ended up going to Molly's which isn't on Frenchmen St. but is one of my favorite bars. It always has the most eclectic crowds of any bar. There are people there with full body tattoes and piercing and people like me and they have a great jukebox. It's really alot of fun. We ended up staying there til close to 4:00am and I didn't get home til almost 5:00am. I didn't end up driving home b/c I was drunk. Not bad but enough to know that I couldn't drive. We jumped into a cab and headed home. Everything would have been fine but they came to work on my house at 8:00am and I kept getting work related calls all morning which meant I didn't get any sleep. I was hurtin but we had to go pick up my car and get food. We jumped into a taxi and tried to get some burgers at Port a Call but it was packed so we ended up eating at El Gato Negro, a overrated Mexican restaurant. I know my Mexican food and that place sucks. I make better rice and beans than that place. Anyway, my Saturday was a complete waste and we didn't even go out on Saturday night. We did hang out in the quarter on Sunday before Robin left. It was fun and it was great to see her. I'm back to packing and should move this Saturday or Sunday. Here's the only picture I took of us. It's after my workout and we are having drinks at The Bull Dog.
NYC Recap

So I'm finally catching up with my stuff. I've closed on my house but I'm not finished packing since I had to go to Meri's wedding in NYC. It was extremely hot and uncomfortable in NYC. They were having a heat wave. The wedding was on Saturday out in the New Jersey suburbs in a really nice house. The food was excellent and the booze was flowing. After a while I stopped drinking because the heat and wine was not a good mix for me. We ended up stopping at a pub for a drink with Meri and Bryan before we caught the train back to the city. It was Nicky, Tracy, Ed(her man) and me. The train ride wasn't bad there but on the way back all I wanted to do was sleep and Nicky was a chatterbox because she drank much more than me. Luckily for me Tracy and Ed distracted her. Anyway by the time we got to her apt we pretty much passed out. Most of our evenings consisted of us passing out after drinking because of the heat. We really didn't stay out to late. After a couple of drinks we were pretty wiped out from walking and the heat. It was a good trip and it was nice to see Nicky after her trip to France. She did mention that she might go live in France for a year in the next year or so. If she does I'm visiting her for a month if feasible. Anyway I'm back in town and packing. Here's a pic of me with Meri's baby and a pic of the couple. It was a very casual wedding. I wore my Phillip Lim dress with my gold sandals. Very cute. I clearly sweated all my makeup off at this point in the picture. BTW, most of my favorite stores didn't have anything good because they already started to put out fall clothes. I don't know how anyone can think of fall when it's 90 degrees outside. XO
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Back from NYC
Hey everyboday, I'm back from NYC. It was extremely hot and they don't use AC like we do. Anyways, I'll post more info later. I'm going to be moving this weekend I believe. I'll let you know. My flight was delayed in ATL and I didn't get home til 1:00am. I should be tried but I'm not. Trying to get work done.
Friday, July 18, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008
My New House
My house closing went really smooth. No hiccups. I'm not moving in until probably next week but I'm so ecstatic. I've got to get someone to make one of my rooms a closet because the current closet setup in the master bedroom isn't very big because it's one of the those old houses with the small closets. I do have a picture window in my bedroom which will be really cool to sit and read a book. The best part of the house is the small patio off the back of the house. I can't wait to set up my grill and patio furniture. My next step is to get a pool installed in the back yard. Nothing big just something to lounge in on those hot muggy New Orleans days. I'm very happy about my decision to move and can't wait to have my housewarming party. Thanks everyone who called or emailed me about it. XOXO
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Movie Review
I saw HellBoy II last night with my friend Mark and I give it a thumbs up. I absolutely adore Guillermo Del Toro and thought he did an amazing job. It was a little long but the creatures in it were truly amazing. I like HellBoy but I think HellBoy II was definitely better. Can't wait to watch him direct the Hobbit. It'll be amazing. Anyway, it's definitely worth it to see it at the theater. BTW, it's actually a lil bit scary at the beginning.
I close on my pretty new house today. Wish me luck! I'm so excited. Hopefully everything goes as planned.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
One more day
So I close tomorrow at 4:00pm. I'm a little nervous but really excited. It's crazy but I never really thought I'd be buying another house so soon. I love my lil house but I'm so ready to move on from the neighborhood. My mom wanted to stay and help me move but I'm not moving til next week. I still have to pack which is going to take forever. I gave my mom a lot of my old junk for her garage sale so I won't be moving any junk to my new house. I've cleared out a lot of stuff. My dad stripped my front door and it's ready to be painted a nice new color. Anyway, my parents left today and I miss them already. We had a wonderful time together. I'll post more pictures of the house tomorrow after I close. Wish me luck everyone.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Weekend Update
Well nothing crazy going on here. My parents are still in town and won't leave til tomorrow morning. I'm actually really enjoying having them here. I can't get a moment alone but it's cool because they are very entertaining. We went to look at my new house and I met a couple of my new neighbors. They came out to say hello which is really nice considering that I don't know most of my neighbors in my current house. I close on Wednesday and I'm getting really excited. I'm also really nervous about it since I haven't put my house on the market like I wanted to. Got to get on that pronto. Saturday night my parents and I went to dinner with Julio and Olga (they are like my second parents) and than Mark and I went to grab a drink at my old standby Roberts. I'm going to miss the place once I move to Gentilly Terrace. Anyway we didn't stay out to long because I had to get up super early the next morning to go to Ship Island with my parents. We ended up getting on the 9:00am ferry and staying til 2:00pm. We didn't get home til close to 5:30pm. It was fun except for the dirty water. I'd never seen it like that but supposedly all the rain they've been happening makes it dirty. I got my tan on and turned a little darker. I don't have my normal summer tan on so I'm going to have to work on it over the next couple of months. Leave to NYC this Friday for my friend Meri's wedding. Should be fun to see her and Nicki. My mom and dad are going to Harrah's tonight while I work out. Hopefully they'll win back some of that money they lost last Thursday. Have to start packing.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Friday July 4th

Well, I ended up having a hang over on Friday morning and I had to go to a lunch at Beth's grandmother's house for Michael. I ended up picking Michael up and we picked up 3 Bloody Marys for us and Beth. Let me tell you that I've just realized that Bloody Marys really do work. In no time I was feeling better. Michael's friend Veronica(who he picked up at the airport that morning) didn't make it to the lunch but we ended up going to dinner that night at Maximos an Italian restaurant in the quarter. We were supposed to go to Maximos on Thursday night b/c that was Michael's first choice but someone decided that they didn't want to go to the quarter. Anyway I made reservations for us on Friday night and we had a really good meal. I had a fire roasted chicken and sausage that was nice and spicy. Very good. I'll definitely head back to Maximos again. After dinner and a bottle of wine we headed to a bar where Michael had a free bottle of Gray Goose. Between Veronica, Michael, Patrick and I we killed the bottle of vodka. We were trashed by the time we left the bar because we were taking shots straight from the bottle. It was crazy! Lots of fun. We should have called it a night but we decided to walk to some club in the quarter. The quarter was closed off due to Essense Festival which was good b/c we were in no condition to be driving. Anyway the rest of the night was total debauchery New Orleans style. We saw ugly or at least average male strippers and we tried to learn to pop our butts at another bar. This black gay couple tried to show us how to do it. Needless to say that none of us were able to do it. I didn't end up getting home til almost noon the next day. I ended up sleeping most of the next day before I had to go to a wedding of a friend. I was sooo hungover at it I couldn't wait to get out of there. It took me the next day to feel 100% right. All in all it was lots of fun hanging out with Michael and Veronica before they left. It's been a while since I'd been in the quarter and had this much fun. Crazy times! I didn't take any pictures but Veronica did so I'll have to get some from her and post some of them or at least the tamer ones. Here's a pic of Veronica and Michael before the drunkfest. I'm supposed to meet up with Michael when I'm in NYC next weekend. Can't wait.
Thursday Night

So Michael had his going away dinner at Houston's on Thursday night with people from Shoefty and me. Other people were supposed to come but plans changed. We had a nice dinner and than Michael and I went to have drinks afterwards. We went to our favorite place Delachaise and had some wine. Isabel came out to meet us to and we had a blast hanging out and people watching. We saw this transgender couple at the bar and I was so intrigued by them. One was a guy dressed up as a girl and the other was a woman dressed up as a man. After we left Delachaise, Michael and I headed over to this dive bar called Three Brothers that I've mentioned before. The bartenders are so trailer trash it's hysterical. Last time I was there the bartender was so wasted he had his shirt stuck in his zipper. There was a mix of rednecks and college kids in the place. They had this woman in the bar with a bunch of stuffed animals and dolls. Very bizarre. We didn't stay to long because we were getting wasted and Michael had to get up early in the next am. Anyway here are some cute pics of the evening. BTW, I'm rocking my M Missioni halter top. It's so cute. Got it at SAKS in NYC.
Sorry I've been lax about posting. Last weekend was lots of fun and it took me a while to recover. My parents are also in town this week so I haven't had a lot of free time. I'll be posting all day as I have time. XOXO
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