So Michael had his going away dinner at Houston's on Thursday night with people from Shoefty and me. Other people were supposed to come but plans changed. We had a nice dinner and than Michael and I went to have drinks afterwards. We went to our favorite place Delachaise and had some wine. Isabel came out to meet us to and we had a blast hanging out and people watching. We saw this transgender couple at the bar and I was so intrigued by them. One was a guy dressed up as a girl and the other was a woman dressed up as a man. After we left Delachaise, Michael and I headed over to this dive bar called Three Brothers that I've mentioned before. The bartenders are so trailer trash it's hysterical. Last time I was there the bartender was so wasted he had his shirt stuck in his zipper. There was a mix of rednecks and college kids in the place. They had this woman in the bar with a bunch of stuffed animals and dolls. Very bizarre. We didn't stay to long because we were getting wasted and Michael had to get up early in the next am. Anyway here are some cute pics of the evening. BTW, I'm rocking my M Missioni halter top. It's so cute. Got it at SAKS in NYC.
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