Sorry I haven't been keeping my blog up to date. Life just been a little stressful and I seem to become some kind of hermit crab when that happens. I've come to lots of conclusions in my life. First of all I've realized that I've become extremely bored with my life. Last time this happened I moved to New Orleans so maybe I'm looking to move or maybe I'm looking for a major change in my life. One of the things that is creating all this boredom is my job. I work with people who are great but we have nothing in common. Most of them might be closet racist and super conservative which doesn't make for great conversations. I'm just craving some intellectual stimulation. Being bored makes me unhappy and depressed. It's gotten to the point where I don't even want to go shopping. All of you know how much I love that. Anyway I've decided to start studying for my LSAT and apply to a couple of law schools. Don't know if I will make it for Spring application due dates but I'm going to try. I applied back in the day but had no luck. Maybe I'm ready this time and I might get into Tulane or UT law school. Who knows.
Another change in my life is not caring so much about things. A friend of mine, an ex, told me that I was uptight. I guess in a way I probably am. I let things bother me and my feelings aways get hurt. He says I think people are perfect and that always leads to major disappointment. I have always expected people to do what I want them to do and when they don't it's so frustrating for me. I'm extremely judgemental and to a point a bit of a snob. I guess I fancy myself this wonderful person with no faults yet like most people I'm sure I have a couple I don't like to admit to. I need to learn to be more accepting of people's faults even if it goes against everything I believe in. Each person must have at least one redeeming quality. Have to remember that when I get worked up.
I've decided to do what I want to do and make myself happy. Work on staying in shape, decorating my house to my taste, making some money so I can go back to school, traveling more, reading more books, learning to sew, spending time with my family and friends, staying in touch with family and friends even the ones that drive me crazy. I'm turning 38 on Thursday and I need to turn a new leaf in my life. I need to be happy.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ok, I forgot to tell you about my IKEA trip. We left at 4:30am b/c I overslept. We didn't end up getting back home til exactly 4:30am the next morning. It was a long tortuous trip but we had lots of fun. I slept all the way there b/c I didn't get much sleep on Friday night and most of the way back. I'm like a baby in a car. Sorry Isabel and Beth. We lost some stuff on the highway(tabletop) but we managed to fit that double cabin F150 with so much crap all three of us had to sit in the front sit. We ate at Dairy Queen on the ride back and I had my favorite meal. The Dude. If you're not from Texas it's a chicken fried steak burger. It's not good for you but it's delicious. Anyway have to plan to make a trip back sometime in the future.
Almost Friday
So I wanted you guys to read this couple of blog posts about last nights debate.
An absolutely great one is about abortion. I didn't like McCain's response or general anger when discussing partial birth abortion but this post sums it up pretty good. No one is ProAbortion.
The other post is about Joe the Plumber. Sometimes Americans can be so dumb and naive.
I'm so over this election. I know Obama doesn't have the experience but at least he is smart enough to surround himself with smart people. Obama 08! Caribou barbie needs to go back to Alaska and face some criminal or ethics charges and McCain and Lieberman need to resign.
BTW, someone in my office with a college degree from LSU just told me Barack was born in Kenya. Yeah that's America for you.
An absolutely great one is about abortion. I didn't like McCain's response or general anger when discussing partial birth abortion but this post sums it up pretty good. No one is ProAbortion.
The other post is about Joe the Plumber. Sometimes Americans can be so dumb and naive.
I'm so over this election. I know Obama doesn't have the experience but at least he is smart enough to surround himself with smart people. Obama 08! Caribou barbie needs to go back to Alaska and face some criminal or ethics charges and McCain and Lieberman need to resign.
BTW, someone in my office with a college degree from LSU just told me Barack was born in Kenya. Yeah that's America for you.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Me and two girlfriends are heading to IKEA in Houston this weekend. We are also stopping by some of my favorite home stores. Crate and Barrel, West Elm and Container Store here we come. We are leaving super early and making it a day trip. I'd spend the night but we have obligations. I'm so excited.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Patty's Annual Birthday List
My Annual Birthday List.
*It might change over the next couple of days.
1. Gold Earrings-I lost one of the hoop earrings Mamà got me so I'd like a replacement or an exact pair in case I lose another one. I'd like some gold studs or earrings. has cute earrings. I'm in my gold phase so anything modern looking would be highly appreciated. Here's a example. It doesn't necessary have to be real gold I'll take gold vermeil jewelry as long as it's really nice and not the gold studs. I got some nice pieces from Shoefty a while ago that are gold vermeil and they've held up pretty good. I'm thinking something Indian looking(that's red dot not red feather).

5. A white peacoat or same type of jacket. JCrew again. I'm sure other people make one but this one looks the best and you know it's quality stuff. I'm still kicking myself about not buying that cream colored jacket from that thrift store a while back. What's up with my obsession with them? This one is really expensive but I would take one from Banana Republic, Club Monaco or Zara.
7. Anything cute from, H&M, Club Monaco and/or Zara.
8. A nice white shirt in Petite size so the lengths of the arm fit right. I have a AnneKlein one that is awesome but it's a size to small and it's looking worn. Actually it works except the across the breast it's a little snug since I have a wide back. Here's one from Banana Republic that would be perfect. I saw some in a Brook Brothers catalog that looked really nice and they have Petite sizes too.

9. Some nice comfy black boots. Frye has a Dorado Riding and Dorado Short style that I like. I really want something nice like the Loefflar Randall but I can't justify the price on them. Can't figure out if I want high boots or ankle boots. I'm kind of thinking I'm going to go with an above the ankle lengh. Something in between these and low ankle boots. Want to be able to wear them with pants and dresses and skirts for a casaul look.
*It might change over the next couple of days.

2. I'd like something from J.Crew. Corduroy pants in one of their awesome bright colors. Green, persimmon or even saffron. I'm thinking the trousers or regular bootcuts are great. I like the tank dress also from my earlier blog post. The best part is that they have Petite online.
3. Black Coach belt with gold hardware- I was going to buy one at the Coach outlet store but got impatient and didn't. I have a black one with silver hardware but I'm so on the gold kick. I don't care if it's Coach I just want a good quality black 1 1/2" to 2" belt with non fancy hardware or logos.

4. A black puffy goosedown jacket. JCrew makes a snazzy one but alot of other people do to. I want something that falls below the waist and is puffy but not extremely puffy. I'd like it in Black but a cream or white colored one might be kind of cool. LLBean makes some and they are kind of plain. I'm sure lots of department stores have them.

6. A new purse from my earlier blog. I need a new purse to punch up my wardrobe. I want some new shoes but I'm not allowing myself any new shoe purchases til SAKS has their after Christmas sale. You can get some killer deals on Dec. 26th. I'm not that much a fashionista not to wait to get me some cool stuff.
7. Anything cute from, H&M, Club Monaco and/or Zara.

9. Some nice comfy black boots. Frye has a Dorado Riding and Dorado Short style that I like. I really want something nice like the Loefflar Randall but I can't justify the price on them. Can't figure out if I want high boots or ankle boots. I'm kind of thinking I'm going to go with an above the ankle lengh. Something in between these and low ankle boots. Want to be able to wear them with pants and dresses and skirts for a casaul look.
10. A new I-Pod. I would like like a I- POd Touch but it doesn't hold enough songs since I want to get rid of all my CDs. If I get an T-POD Touch I'm going to get a external 500Gb drive to hold my music and pictures. I'm a fan of the classic though. I'll even take a nano because my Mini is only a 4GB.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Birthday List
I'm working on my annual birthday list and it should be out this week. Keep an eye out for it. I know you've been wondering about it. I'm keeping it on the low end since times are tough. I haven't decided what I'm buying myself for my birthday but it's going to be very functional. No, not a kitchen appliance.
Saints Game
I am going to the Monday night Saints game tonight. I'm sure it will be fun since I'm leaving work at 4:00pm to get the party started. Geaux Saints! Don't call me after 6:30pm b/c I'll be in the Dome.

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