Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Updates

Ok, I haven't updated in a while because I've been busy and distracted. Let's see what's been going on. I'll list them for you.

1. House-
I decorated for Mardi Gras this past week. Yes, it's right around the corner and I love me some Mardi Gras. I finally took down the Christmas decorations outside. No, I haven't taken down my Christmas tree. I'll have to post a picture of it. It still looks good. It's a work in process because I'm trying to figure out how to store the decorations in a manner in which they don't break yet are easy to unpack. I wish we had an Container Store it would so make me happy because I would be so much more organized. Have to head to Target this weekend to see what they have.

I also decided to drop the asking price on my Green Street house by another 10K. I should have priced it this way from the beginning but I was being greedy and you know what happens when you do that. I'm burying a St. Joseph statue in the yard this weekend. Everything helps right?

2. Clothes
Since I'm not really spending any money this year on clothes. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself I haven't really been shopping. I did get a $100.00 gift card from Dillard's from Julio so did some shopping. I bought some new Levi's jeans in a size 4 (I'm excited about this since I've been working to get to this size for a while) and some long brown leather gloves. I wanted black ones but I've already got short black ones so what would be the point. I also bought gloves because it's something you'll always have and use. Most of my jeans are fitting loose around the booty which is never good. Makes me look like I took a poop. Thank God, I have jeans in every size. I fluctuate in weight obvs. I also went to Forever 21 the other day because I was in the mood for some plaid and didn't want to spend too much money. I picked up a shirt and a dress. The dress is technically a black and red shirt that fits me like a dress. I wore it last night to this comedy show one of my clients was taping with some black tights and black flats. I looked really cute if I say so myself and got lots of compliments. It's kinda short but with the flats and tights I don't look like a tart. ;) The shirt is black/white/red plaid and is actually really cute. I'm loving my brown riding boots I picked up at Buffalo Exchange courtesy of Sandra. Isabel also got me a hot pink scarf from American Apparel that I've been rocking. It's a great color for me. I'm trying to wear all my winter jackets this winter otherwise they are going to find a new home.

3. Work
Actually the new year is starting out really good. Sales are up. I'm going to a conference with my boss and our CFO in Dallas in February. I'm kind of excited because I was the only one asked to go. Maybe they are going to make me VP of Marketing. Inside joke since our company is so small that I could be VP of whatever.

4. Health
I've been exercising but slacking a bit I will admit. I have had a busy week, however, I am trying to train for a 5K run in early February. I'm not the best runner but nothing gets me going better than a challenge. I'm maintaining my weight.

5. Relationships
Things are looking good.

I'll post more if I can think of other stuff and I'm not too busy.

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