Ok, I've been to a LSU game before but this past Saturday was the first time I've been to the whole tailgating thing. Bryan's parents(who hosted some frat guys and ya'll know what that means) were tailgating along with some of his friends and associates. We had to visit with his friends and associates before we headed back to his parents tailgating party. Luckily those frat boys didn't touch my Grey Goose or I would have thrown down with some of them. I think they were Sig Eps or something like that. They seemed to devour everything in sight and even drank Bryan's Negro Modelo. I wasn't surprised. What to do you expect from college kids? Not much. Let me tell you some of the stuff I saw. I don't ever remember UT tailgating being this crazy. I saw people with complete theatre systems setup for watching the game which didn't start til like 8:15pm. The best thing I saw was this trailor that had unloaded two margarita machines, PA speakers on tripods, a bar setup, a beer cooler you see in stores and other stuff. Check out one of the pics. I also saw a motorized ice cooler. See pic for that one too. Maybe if some of those people spent some of their ingenuity(sp) on making LSU a better school it might be ranked higher in some of the academic rankings. People had stuffed animals(bengal tigers) on the roof of their cars, table tops and pretty much everywhere. Everyone was dressed in purple/gold(yellow). Matching shoes, caps, shirts, socks and of course crocs. Of course I saw a drunk student or two. You guys remember those days. I also posted a pic of where we were seating.
Ok, now back to me. It was like 100 degrees out there and with all the walking my ankles swelled up. Not a attractive look for me. Bryan bought me my first piece of LSU garb(a purple polo). Thanks sweetie. Anyway I accessorized as best I could with some white shorts with some sandals from hell. They are cute but standing in wood soles drinking all day is not good. Anyway while waiting for Bryan(from now on referred to as B) earlier in the day I picked up a cute yellow/gold satiny top. Ya'll know me. I'm not a polo shirt kind of wearing girl unless it's Lacoste and a snug fit. Well by the start of the game my white shorts were toast from sweating and sitting on pretty much anything I could. I changed into my cute billowy top with some jeans and my trusty Havainnas and I was set. Still looking cute of course after sweating my ass off for a good solid eight hours. Once in the stadium it started to rain. Of course I went back in so my hair wouldn't get jacked up and to "look for a poncho". Ok maybe I wasn't looking for a poncho but I did get a chance to rest my feet b/c B said I had to stand for the first half. Later in the game he mentioned that he was just joking. My sausage feet weren't happy. Anyway we didn't get home til close to 1:00am b/c of traffic. It was a fun but very exhausting day! Keep you posted on my Saints Monday night game!
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