Friday, November 2, 2007

Bday wknd

Since Bryan was out of town for my birthday we are celebrating his and mine this wknd. No big plans other than relaxing. We do have the Saints game on Sunday though. :)

BTW, didn't see those shoes. Guess I'm going to have to buy them. :)

Thanks to everyone that called, emailed or met up with me for my bday. THANK YOU! It was a great birthday and can't wait to celebrate with you guys. Besos y Abrazos! Even my mom called me on my bday. As some of you know, she told me for years my bday was on the 31st. It was easier for her to remember since she's got seven kids ya know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday GIRL! I wish I was there to help get the party started.