Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Afternoon

Well, I'm sitting here at my desk trying to finish work but I'm unmovitated and a tad bit hungover. I went to my friend's Beth house for dinner to meet her new beau. He's really nice and she's so happy. Of course the food was delicious. Michael, Beth's BFF, and I ended up going to Robert's for a drink. If you don't know about Robert's it's my new fav bar. You can get a Grey Goose tonic, Absolute with Grapefruit and a Newcastle for $11.00. That's pretty cheap considering the drinks are freakin strong and it's close to my house. It's not a fancy place or a total hole in the way. It's just an average New Orleans neighborhood bar. You can get totally loaded for about 20.00. Anyway, Robin met up with me later in the evening after she got off work. Looks like she might not be leaving quite yet. We shall see.

My wknd seems to be filling up with things to do. I'll be judging a beauty pageant for the local Nicaraguan club. Shouldn't be too difficult since it's only two girls. Went to the mall to return a SAINTs jersey I bought Bryan and I couldn't get my money back b/c it been more than 45 days so I picked up a cute SAINTS jacket. I'll post a pic of me wearing it later. Other than that nothing really going on right now. Can't wait to get home after my workout session to eat my leftovers and veg b/c Saturdays filling up.

TO DO LIST(saturday)
1. Take car in for oil change to Nissan to get ready for roadtrip to Austin.
2. Pick up alterations
3. Pick up shoes and get others fixed
4. Make copy of keys to leave with someone just in case I die and my cats start to eat me.
5. Update my MAC OS to Tiger
6. Wash Car- It's filthy
7. Buy coffeemaker for office-ONe of those Senseo single serving ones. Have 20% off coupon
8. Go to Target and check their GO designer and Hollywould stuff. Spend money on something.
9. Go to Shoefty and check out shoes- Michael says he has some cool stuff.
10. Take spare change to change.


Anonymous said...

Save your money...we're going holiday shopping remember?

Anonymous said...

sure thing... can you bring golf clubs? I have a golf date with Mr. Edwards.