Monday, August 3, 2009


Hey everyone I'm back and posting. Nothing crazy since I'm broke and I'm not buying anything. What I think I'll do is start posting some of the items I'm finding in my closet to wear and also the battle to lose these damn five pounds that came out of nowhere and parked themselves on my mid section. Today I'm starting my whole workout regimen and diet plan. No fried food or bad carbs. I'll keep you posted. What I should do is post a picture of me in my bikini to shame me into losing the weight.
Nothing crazy this weekend. I did buy a new coffee table that is so cute. I picked it up at a consignment store and Isabel helped me decide on making the purchase and actually getting it to my house since it's got a marble top. I'm working on getting my living room to how I want it to look(like a page out of now defunct Domino magaine). I'll post picture of it later today. On Saturday, Isabel, Andy, Beth and I went to the HiHo Lounge to see some ZydecoPunks band. Had a good time but it was sooo hot inside that we ended up listening to them outside the place. I was wearing a tunic with sheer leggings and I was dying. That's what I get for trying to wear what girls in Paris were wearing. I should have remembered that they don't have the heat and humidity that we have. On Sunday went to see G-force in 3D with Bryan and the kids. It was cute and I love Tracy Morgan so I was happy. I really want to see Moon and the Hurt Locker this week. Also it's time again to break out the ole red dress for the REd Dress Run this saturday. I'll be working on it this week.

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